Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Museo it Akean

The Museum of Akean (Aklan) located at Martelino St., Kalibo, Aklan is housed in the "Eskuylahan it Hari" or School of the King.

This one story structure of mortar is designed along neoclassical lines with its arched openings and the straight lines of what is fundamentally a large box.

The school building is one of a number dating from the Spanish era, when public education was first introduced in the 19th century. The museum houses artifacts reflecting Aklan's history and legacy.

The Museo It Akean is the century old edifice which houses the old glory and legacy of the old civilization of the Minuro It Akean- one of the first provinces in pre-Hispanic Philippines.

The "Eskuylahan It Hari" or "School of the King" is where the young Aklanons were forced to learn Spanish during Spanish era and English from the American era. The school is believed to be as old as Kalibo Cathedral as they exhibit the same architectural style.

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